In my WPF / MVVM applications I use ViewModels with two constructors - one for design time (no paramaters - mock version of required components are set directly) and another for runtime (required components are injected as parameters via IoC). This allows for (mock) data to be displayed inside the Visual Studio designer for UI testing purposes.
So the simple case looks like ...
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
private IDataFactory _DataFactory;
public MainViewModel()
_DataFactory = new DesignTimeMockDataFactory();
public MainViewModel(IDataFactory dataFactory)
{ _DataFactory = dataFactory; }
public void LoadData()
{ DataItems.AddRange(_DataFactory.GetDataItems()); }
public ExtendedObservableCollection<DataItem> DataItems { get; private set; }
The design time usage can be set directly in the XAML ...
<Window x:Class="MainView"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=MainViewModel, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
The run-time ViewModel is set in the code behind of the View ...
public MainView()
var viewModel = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<MainViewModel>();
DataContext = viewModel;
Loaded += (s, e) => viewModel.LoadData();
The View's Loaded event is set to call the LoadData() method of the ViewModel to trigger data loading, once the View is displayed. If LoadData() is slow, it can be changed into an async method to prevent the UI from blocking.
For those of you complaining that this is a too tightly coupled construct, my view is that is exactly how they are supposed to be. Although the View and ViewModel are separate entities, each View knows exactly what type of ViewModel it requires, and that's unlikely to change over the project development life-cycle. Using a Locator type class to hide the ViewModel constructor calls is an unnecessary level of abstraction in my opinion.