I would like to produce confidence intervals for proportions using the boot package if possible. I have a vector and I would like to set a threshold and then calculate the proportions below the specified level. After that I would like to use the bootstrap function in the boot package to calculate the confidence intervals for the proportions. Simple example of what I have so far:
vec <- abs(rnorm(1000)*10) #generate example vector
data_to_tb <- vec
tb <- function(data) {
sum(data < 10, na.rm = FALSE)/length(data) #function for generating the proportion
boot(data = data_to_tb, statistic = tb, R = 999)
quantile(boot.out$t, c(.025,.975))
However, I get this error message:
> boot(data = data_to_tb, statistic = tb, R = 999)
Error in statistic(data, original, ...) : unused argument (original)
I can not get it to work though, help appreciated