
I'm running into an interesting problem when I attempt to run VBScript code from within an HTA application. Specifically, when I query the Registry using WMI. Below is the VBscript (within .HTA file) code I am using to determing instance names of SQL server installations:

<script language="VBScript">
    Sub searchRegistry
        Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

        strComputer = "."

        Set oReg=GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        strKeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL"
        oReg.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrValueNames, arrValueTypes

        msgbox "SQL Instances already installed: "
        For i=0 To UBound(arrValueNames)
            msgbox arrValueNames(i)     
    End Sub

Null is returned and the loop throws a bound error. However, when I run this same code from an independent VBScript (.vbs) file it returns the proper values no problem. I assume this is a permissions issue but don't know where to start; don't know how to give windows HTA files permission to use WMI to search registry. Moreover, I am able to use WMI from HTA to do other things (get drive space, etc.) without issue so it must be registry restrictions? Any ideas?


2 Answers


As per this , Windows do allow HTA to update registry.

If it does not work for you, It could be related to your 'User Account Control' settings. Disable and try!


After days of toiling, I've figured it out...

On some 64-bit systems, HTA is incorrectly associated with the 32-bit MSHTA version (%windir%\SYSWOW64\mshta.exe) - resulting in only being able to access certain WMI classes.

In this case, add the path to the proper (64-bit) MSHTA to the command line. Example: "%windir%\system32\mshta.exe" "c:\whatever.hta" and the HTA should run with full access to WMI.