I have an application where I am using matplotlib to display elliptical regions on an image. To do this I'm using mpl.patches.Circle along with mp.patches.Affine2D to warp unit circles into an elliptical shape.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import pyplot as plt
invVR_mats = np.array([
[[ 7.80247545, 0. , 92.9254837 ],
[ -3.46026921, 10.85727882, 17.53866959],
[ 0. , 0. , 1. ]],
[[ 11.42656994, 0. , 76.86006927],
[ -3.26515651, 9.61946297, 24.79440498],
[ 0. , 0. , 1. ]],
[[ 10.40444851, 0. , 140.62428284],
[ -10.94557095, 10.59212685, 24.91024971],
[ 0. , 0. , 1. ]],])
invVR_aff2Ds = [mpl.transforms.Affine2D(invVR)
for invVR in invVR_mats]
ell_actors = [mpl.patches.Circle((0, 0), 1, transform=invVR)
for invVR in invVR_aff2Ds]
coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(ell_actors)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax.set_xlim(0, 300)
There is a point in my application that the ellipses in one image are put in correspondence with ellipses from a second image using a homography matrix. So far I have been using it to warp points from image1 into image2.
I would like to get a visual idea of how these ellipses warp into image2. I can transform my affine matrices with this homography matrix, but the resulting matrix is no longer affine. (I believe it represents a general conic, either a circle, ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola)
from numpy.core.umath_tests import matrix_multiply
H = np.array([[ -0.70098, 0.12273, 5.18734],
[ 0.12444, -0.63474, 14.13995],
[ 0.00004, 0.00025, -0.64873]])
HinvVR_mats = matrix_multiply(H, invVR_mats)
[[ -5.89405808e+00, 1.33251383e+00, -5.77990446e+01],
[ 3.16731132e+00, -6.89154916e+00, 1.45711021e+01],
[ -5.52968284e-04, 2.71431970e-03, -6.40628313e-01]],
[[ -8.41052966e+00, 1.18059669e+00, -4.56470140e+01],
[ 3.49444781e+00, -6.10585793e+00, 7.96641640e+00],
[ -3.59226330e-04, 2.40486574e-03, -6.39456996e-01]],
[[ -8.63666024e+00, 1.29997173e+00, -9.03302348e+01],
[ 8.24232128e+00, -6.72324660e+00, 1.58277039e+01],
[ -2.32021480e-03, 2.64803171e-03, -6.36877466e-01]]])
If I de-homogenize only the last column I can find the center of where the ellipse was projected, but I would like to see some shape information as well.
So far the best I've done is just de-homogenizing the last column and ignoring the values in [:, 2, 0] and [:, 2, 1]
HinvVR_mats = np.divide(HinvVR_mats , HinvVR_mats[:, None, None, 2, 2])
array([[[ 9.20043332e+00, -2.08001083e+00, 9.02224323e+01],
[ -4.94407015e+00, 1.07574845e+01, -2.27450173e+01],
[ 8.63165541e-04, -4.23696494e-03, 1.00000000e+00]],
[[ 1.31526118e+01, -1.84624877e+00, 7.13840248e+01],
[ -5.46471120e+00, 9.54850438e+00, -1.24580956e+01],
[ 5.61767769e-04, -3.76079354e-03, 1.00000000e+00]],
[[ 1.35609449e+01, -2.04116458e+00, 1.41832989e+02],
[ -1.29417694e+01, 1.05565779e+01, -2.48520394e+01],
[ 3.64311021e-03, -4.15783546e-03, 1.00000000e+00]]])
Is there a way I can tranform mpl.patches.Circle (or any other patch for that matter) using a non-affine matrix. The documentation seems to suggest it is possible, but I'm not seeing any way to go about it.
I have