I'm building a Phonegap application that uses a server backend built with .net MVC 5 & Web API2. It's hosted on Azure cloud services and all is working well.
I now need to add some functionality to send push notifications when certain events happen. I've set up a Mobile Service on Azure and configured it for IOS (I will add Android when I have it working) and I now need to start coding the functionality.
I was planning on storing the device registration Id in my own Database and writing a simple class/service that consumes the Azure Mobile Services API to send the push notification. I've spent the last few hours reading up on this and all of the tutorials involve creating a new Azure Mobile Services project which uses Azure Table storage and configuring that (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/dn629482.aspx).
I'd like to avoid this as it seems like overkill and it's yet another thing I'll need to deploy and manage.
Does anyone know if it is it possible to just add the required references to my existing cloud services project and do it the way I proposed?
Many thanks, John