I have a strange problem with my RPi. I'm trying to make a Weather Station on Raspbian. Here's what I did:
installed Raspbian
apt-get upgrade, apt-get update, rpi-update, then again upgrade and update
configured i2c (https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-i2c)
downloaded python files for BMP180 and DHT11 (yes, I know, DHT has nothing to do with i2c, I'm just saying that I did it :))
installed mysql
And now the best part: in this moment everything's just fine - I can send temperature, pressure etc. to the database. But I also want to have RTC on my breadboard, because the Weather Station should also work offline and I need a proper time for measurements. So I do:
...and my problems begin. After reboot RPi works extremely slow (~5 minutes to turn on), ssh (via Putty) works horrible (actually, sometimes it doesn't work at all, just "connection refused") and for some reason MySQL is messed up. It gaves me error "can't connect through socket" (similar to Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (38)).
I can run it by typing "service mysql start", but I want it to work on autostart. I tried everything: reinstall of mysql, updates, upgrades (building "apt-get" dependency tree takes about 30 minutes!), even install Raspbian from the beginning.