I'm using Fullcalendar within a Asp.Net project and I'm using the function 'events' to refresh items in my calendar.
I'm putting events in myArray to pass it in the callback function as below:
var event = {
title: 'Disponível',
start: moment(horario.DtInicio),
end: moment(horario.DtFim),
where horario.DtInicio
and horario.DtFim
is a Asp.Net json Date (eg. "/Date(1423321200000)/"
When I show callendar in month view, this date shows in 02/06/2015 (mm/dd/yyyy), but when I toggle to other view, this event shows in 02/07/2015. The real date is 02/07/2015.
Has anyone faced this situation?
to 'local' but this did not help. – jkndrkn