I used the movie lens data file (ml-100k.zip) u.data unchanged, so it had the columns: userID, MovieID and user rating.
I used LLR:
hadoop jar C:\hdp\mahout-\core\target\mahout-core- org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.item.RecommenderJob -s SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD --input u.data --output udata_output
When I look at the udata_output file I see recommended movie ID's followed by recommendation scores like:
1226:5.0 and 896:4.798878
The recommendation scores seemed to vary from 5.0 to 4.x
However, when I deleted the user rating column from the u.data file and re-ran the same command line above I received results like:
where ALL recommendation scores were 1.0.
2 questions:
1) If LLR ignores the user ratings and the only input I change is the whether to provide the user rating why do the recommendation scores change?
2) Overall, I am trying to determine recommendation ranking so I'm using LLR. In addition should I ignore the recommendation scores and only focus on the order of the items recommended (e.g.: the first item is ranked higher than the 2nd)?
Thanks in advance.