
I've made a TYPO3-Installation 6.2.9 with Fluid powered TYPO3 - the first steps with the Pre-configured Distribution "Site" were fine. My Site/Page-Template is installed and I added all the TypoScript stuff.

Now I want to use FLUIDCONTENT (FCE) with FLUX. I've added a new Template-File TeaserOne.html and I try to use the Layout from the Distribution Content.html.

Now I can see and write into my input-fields in Backend, but I've no Output in Frontend?! What else do I need?

I only see the Content-Element Headline. Not the FLEXform. I'm using the latest Versions of flux (7.1.2), fluidpages (3.1.2), fluidcontent (4.1.1), fluid_core (1.0.2) and vhs (2.1.4). The static template "fluidcontent_core" was included via pre-configured Distribution.


<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"

    <f:layout name="Content" />

    <f:section name="Configuration">

        <flux:form id="fluidcontenttest" options="{icon: 'Icons/Content/Hello.gif', group: 'New Elements'}">

            <flux:field.text name="teasertext" label="hier lorem eintragen" rows="5" cols="30" required="FALSE" />



    <f:section name="Preview">

        <table width="100%">
                <td width="30%">Ausgabe:</td>
                <td width="70%">
                    <f:format.crop maxCharacters="100">{teasertext}</f:format.crop>


    <f:section name="Main">
        <h3>TEST: I am a content element! But no Output?</h3>
        <p> {teasertext} </p>


<f:layout name="Content" />
<f:render section="Main" />


File structure


Seems like the tt_content.fluidcontent rendering is missing. Did you include the fluidcontent_core static in your root page (TYPO3 backend)?Christoph
Hi, yes the static template "fluidcontent_core" was included via pre-configured Distribution. I try to use "fluidbootstraptheme" but I have def. no Frontend Output. There must be sth wrong with my installation?user2310852
Can you give me a screenshot of the TS setup tt_contentChristoph
Oho! I don't have a 'tt_content TypoScript Setup' at these Blank TYPO3-Installation. The standard Content Elements will be shown. What do I need in this case? I'm sorry!user2310852
I followed that Screencast from Claus Due: vimeo.com/110469200 - Have I forget something?user2310852

1 Answers


It seems that the frontend rendering configuration for the CType fluidcontent_content is missing. Did you add the following to your typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['contentRenderingTemplates'] = array('fluidcontentcore/Configuration/TypoScript/');