I'm under a Redhat 5.11 and try to use Smokeping (a Perl CGI) into apache.
Whatever the change I make, the source code of smokeping is displayed rather than executed :
- I have already followed this documentation : http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/fr/howto/cgi.html
- mod_perl, mod_alias and mod_cgi seams installed (I can see perl_module (shared), alias_module (shared) and cgi_module (shared), when I run httpd -M)
- I've made a toto.php, and it works, I can execute my page. So the other CGI should work, no ? I have placed this file in the exact same path as smokeping, in the path of my conf.d/smokeping.conf configuration (ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/smokeping/ )
- I've made a toto.pl, but it doesn't works, the code is display rather than executed too.
- I've added Options +ExecCGI in the Directory Field...
- Perl 5.8.8 is already installed
Why smokeping doesn't works or why my very simple perl CGI aren't executed ? Have you an idea please ?
? They are two different things and execute files differently. If using the first method, make sure the file is executable and follow instructions from here – arco444