How to parameterize tables in Specflow? Here is my feature file -
Feature: Login
As a User,
should land on ***** Login page
Enter valid Username and password
Home page displayed-Validate Logout link
Scenario: Successful login Given I am on **** Login page When I enter automation and autopassword Then the logout link should be displayed
Scenario: Successful parameterized Login
Given I am on **** Login page
When I enter:
| Username | Password |
| automation | autopassword |
| misc | misc123 |
Then the Logout link should be displayed
Here are my queries - I want to test a login using the second row values - misc & misc123. How can I call it using selenium? How can I make the parameterized part a complete scenario set- considering there are more scenarios after logging in? The test runs a complete feature with the first row and then execute the test logging in as second.