When you use the flag 'showColumnMenu' with true value. the ng-grid is rendered with button on the right end top panel.
Using this button we can hide/show the column on the grid.
In my Case I don't want to make it possible for some column to be visible on the grid - Meaning I want the the column menu box will be rendered with out some column.
Iv'e created plunker which demonstrated my problem
> http://plnkr.co/edit/VXOzBIRfyY3FoCTct9PI?p=preview
In that plnkr - I set column 'Id' to be invisible using (visible: false) But if the user click on the column menu on the right end panel he will be able to set it visible..
Another scenario that I need to cover is case where there is some other column say 'name' that I don't want the let the user configure it (by setting it as invisible) inside the column menu - meaning that column 'name' must always be on the grid! and the user does not need to see it in the column menu..
So, if only i could hide those columns (id,name) inside the column menu my problem will be solved..