
I have a problem with connecting to remote graph from DirectShow Filter Graph Editor. When I run application that creates a direct show graph, on my Windows XP machine graph is shown in the list of remote graphs, but on the Windows 7 (x64) machine list of remote graphs is empty. I have registered proppage.dll and also registered directshowspy.dll ... but still no results. Any ideas?


4 Answers


There's a proppage.dll and an x64/proppage.dll and you'll need to register both to ensure that both x64 and x86 apps work.

The DLL files should be available with the Windows SDK. In case of the Windows 10 SDK, for example, the files will typically reside in the x64 and x86 folders in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\bin\%version% folder, with %version% being the installed version of the SDK (e.g. 10.0.18362.0).


I ran into this issue when I first moved to Windows 7. A DirectShow is composed of filters that are either built for x86 or x64 architecture.

If you're registering the x64 version of DirectShowSpy.dll, don't expect to be able to spy on a graph that uses x86 filters.

Get the x86 version of DirectShowSpy.dll, unregister your installed version and then install the x86 version.

I keep both versions of DirectShowSpy.dll on my machine and register the appropriate one for working on specific graphs.

I also recommend RadScorpion's GraphStudio ;)

Hope this helps!


Is this the same application that works in XP but not in Windows 7? The app needs to manually expose its graph to the Running Object Table so that GraphEdit will see it.

Example here: http://forum.inmatrix.com/index.php?showtopic=4439&view=findpost&p=19994


Well, I got same problem and figure out that GraphEdit must be run at the Admin level. Otherwise, I can not see any remote graph.