
I want to get the name of an object i clicked at. The model is loaded into the Scene with ColladaLoader.js. My Problem is, i just get the THREE.Mesh object but i need the THREE.Object3D object, because the Mesh doesn't contain the name.

If i use the following code:

scene.traverse (function (object){

I get:

THREE.Object3D {uuid: "085928DC-5493-4C57-B142-51D2A95F27B6", name: "Schraube_M4x16_002", type: "Object3D", parent: THREE.Object3D, children: Array[1]…} 
THREE.Mesh {uuid: "1AD3D989-CEB7-4B89-BE88-6D58C1C24AD6", name: "", type: "Mesh", parent: THREE.Object3D, children: Array[0]…} 

The Object3D has a name the Mesh not. But Raycast only returns meshes How to fix that?

add a name to your mesh.gaitat
But how to assign the collada names to each mesh. My Collada Model contains many children.Servus7
If you traverse up the tree from your mesh you will hit the Object3D. Otherwise you would have to modify the ColladaLoader.gaitat

1 Answers


I finally modifyed the ColladaLoader and added the node's name to the mesh.

function createSceneGraph( node, parent ) {
    // geometries
    } else {
        if ( geom.isLineStrip === true ) {
            mesh = new THREE.Line ( geom );
        } else {
            mesh = new THREE.Mesh ( geom, material );
        mesh.name = node.name;