I have an app on OS X 10.10 which uses a storyboard. I cannot figure out how to prevent the main window from showing at launch.
I have the 'Visible At Launch' checkbox on the window unchecked.
I looked at a backtrace...
2015-02-03 19:50:19.714 Itsycal2[20485:620948] -[MyApp showWindow:]: caller: 1 AppKit 0x00007fff8bee4724 NSApplicationMain + 1080
...and it seems that NSApplicationMain is calling -showWindow: on my window controller?
The only way I can prevent the window from showing at launch is by overriding -showWindow: and not calling super. But now I've gutted -showWindow: and I don't want that.
How do I prevent NSApplicationMain from calling -showWindow: at launch?