I'm having some fun testing Spring Integration, so I created this flow (Not very difficult and it works like a charm):
- A user purchases a book
- Some transformation is performed
- A Jms message is sent asynchronously
But I've a question: Do you know if there's any way to print a log if the outbound-channel-adapter fails? I don't care it the JMS publish operation fails because the flow ends returning the correct book payload, but showing a log would be nice, and I think I'm a bit messy with Spring IO error handling.
Thanks in advance!
<si:channel id="purchaseBookInputChannel" />
<si:channel id="purchaseBookReplyChannel" />
<si:channel id="purchaseBookRoutingChannel" />
<si:channel id="purchaseBookJmsInputChannel" />
<si:chain id="purchaseBookChain" input-channel="purchaseBookInputChannel" output-channel="purchaseBookRoutingChannel">
<si:service-activator ref="bookServiceActivator" method="purchase" />
<si:transformer ref="bookTransformer" method="transform" />
<si:recipient-list-router id="purchaseBookRouter" input-channel="purchaseBookRoutingChannel" ignore-send-failures="true" >
<si:recipient channel="purchaseBookJmsInputChannel" />
<si:recipient channel="purchaseBookReplyChannel" />
<si-jms:outbound-channel-adapter channel="purchaseBookJmsInputChannel" connection-factory="connectionFactory" destination="bookQueue">
<bean class="org.springframework.integration.handler.advice.ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice">
<property name="onFailureExpression" value="#exception" />
<property name="failureChannel" ref="logginChannel" />
<property name="trapException" value="true" />
<si:logging-channel-adapter id="logginChannel" level="WARN"/>
Hi there and thanks for your time!
I think I'm doing something wrong, because I'm testing the request-handler-advice-chain/error-channel and this is what I'm getting:
- A jms message is sent
- A JMS error happens (my JMS server is shut down cos I'm testing error handling) and a formatted error log is printed
- The flow is aborted and no book is purchased
And this is the behaviour that I'm looking for:
- A jms message is sent
- A JMS error happens and a formatted error log is printed
- The book is purchased and the flow ends ok!!
Any clue about how to print the log without aborting the flow?. If I use the property ignore-send-failures="true"
the flow ignores the JMS error but no error log is printed.
Have a nice day!
and works perfect! I've updated my attached example with those changes, maybe someone could be keen on this test. Thank you for your support! – Miguel N. Olmedo