
I'm new in Camel technology and I'm using ProducerTemplate to send object to the queue. I have defined RouteBuilder object and I'm using filter in route deffinition. My question is what should I use to give feedback message when filter would return false and don't let my message go to the queue. How can I get notification from templateProducer that my message was invalid?

Example pseudo code:

ProducerTemplate template;

class Route extends RouteBuilder
    public void configure() throws Exception

template.sendBodyAndHeaders(new Route(), myBody, myHeaders);

1 Answers


See the documentation, there is a section knowing if the message was filtered or not

To get that as a feedback either use the methods on the producer template that returns an Exchange, or change the route to set the filtered exchange property as a body or header to use as a response.

And use the request methods on producer template as they are for InOut.