Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'unsigned long' to 'uInt' (aka 'unsigned int')
I am trying to update my application from 32bit to 64bit, since changing the architecture I have recived an error as decribed above.
I have a method that takes NSData that is zlib compressed and returns the decomrepssed data.
This is the method.
- (NSData*) dataByDecompressingData:(NSData*)data {
NSLog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)data.length);
Byte* bytes = (Byte*)[data bytes];
NSInteger len = [data length];
NSMutableData *decompressedData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:COMPRESSION_BLOCK];
Byte* decompressedBytes = (Byte*) malloc(COMPRESSION_BLOCK);
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
stream.next_in = bytes;
err = inflateInit(&stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, @"inflateInit");
while (true) {
stream.avail_in = len - stream.total_in; // this is where the error happens the yellow triangle is under the "minus" -
stream.next_out = decompressedBytes;
stream.avail_out = COMPRESSION_BLOCK;
err = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
[decompressedData appendBytes:decompressedBytes length:(stream.total_out-[decompressedData length])];
if(err == Z_STREAM_END)
CHECK_ERR(err, @"inflate");
err = inflateEnd(&stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, @"inflateEnd");
return decompressedData;
I am not sure how to fix this. I have tried to type cast len using (int) however this still dose not work. .