I am trying to use the Bing Maps WPF control to render custom map tiles from an image of a fictional game world map, but I also need to plot X,Y values on the map from the original world image (sort of like an in-world GPS).
The image is 5720x5720 and I already have working (in a different application) a function that manually crops, scales and redraws sections of the image and plots the pixelX and pixelY coordinates in a PictureBox. I would like to get the same functionality working using the map control.
I used this Photoshop plugin to cut the tiles from the original custom image (works like maptiler for google mapes) https://github.com/bramus/photoshop-google-maps-tile-cutter/
The problem is I know the X,Y values to plot from the original image, but I'm not not quite sure how to calculate Lat/Long for drawing a point in the custom tile system.
<m:Map Name="Map">
<!-- set empty map mode, i.e. remove default map layer -->
<local:MyTileLayer UriFormat="file:///C:/map_tiles/{z}_{x}_{y}.jpg"/>
The map is displaying great and everything looks fine using the custom map tiles. I found this link that provides a class for converting PixelXY to LatLong in the TileSystem, but they are all for realistic world points.
My custom map tiles are actually for a fictional map for a game so I don't believe the projection and earth-curvature calculations are needed in my situation.
How might I go about plotting a point accurately in the Bing Maps WPF control if I only know the X,Y pixel coordinates from the original untiled image?
as well asTileSystem.PixelXYToLatLong
is at least plotting a point that is on the map (still wrong though), theMap.ViewPortPointToLocation
is not even giving a coordinate location on the map. – Josh