Before you start to write a predicate, let's try to define a predicate that gives true
for the nodes you want to count and false
for those nodes that still may occur but that do not count. By that we implicitly also define what we want. I assume that you want only nodes that have two subtrees.
singlechild_t(nil, false).
singlechild_t(bt(_,nil,bt(_,_,_)), true).
singlechild_t(bt(_,bt(_,_,_),nil), true).
singlechild_t(bt(_,nil,nil), false).
singlechild_t(bt(_,bt(_,_,_),bt(_,_,_)), false).
tree_count(P_2, T, N) :-
tree_count(P_2, T, 0,N).
tree_count(_, nil, N,N).
tree_count(P_2, T, N0,N) :-
T = bt(_,L,R),
if_(call(P_2, T), A = 1, A = 0),
N1 is N0+A,
tree_count(P_2, L, N1,N2),
tree_count(P_2, R, N2,N).
tree_countsingles(T, N) :-
tree_count(singlechild_t, T, N).
(using if_/3