
I wish to develop a web app for creating an rss feed for webpages, like http://www.thebetterindia.com/topics/innovation/ which don't currently give the option for subscribing to them via rss.

I want to know about the various prerequisites for a website/webpage to provide content via rss feeds.

Also, being new to web development, what technologies and tools are used to create an rss feed for a web page? I searched for it on google, but didn't come across a page explaining how to create rss feed for an existing web page, though many gave the details of creating an rss xml file in general.

My preferable language is Java.

PS: I found similar questions on stackoverflow, like How to programmatically turn any webpage into an RSS feed? and how to create rss feed for a website?, but they don't address the question of what properties does a web page need to have to provide content via rss feeds.

Not sure you can actually create an rss xml file for a non-existing webpage??Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier
@FélixGagnon-Grenier My question is targeted towards web pages which do exist, but do not provide the option to subscribe via rss feeds.satvik.t

1 Answers


RSS is provided by the Web server on which the site is hosted. It's server-side response just xml instead of html. There is not much you can do unless you are the site maintainer to create a RSS feed.

Source Wikipedia