
I am working with Worklight 6.2 and I am using ANT tasks to install the console and I am getting this error:

worklght:/opt/IBM/Worklight/WorklightServer/configuration-samples # ant -f configure-was-db2.xml install Buildfile: configure-was-db2.xml

install: [configureapplicationserver] Logging output of task to file /root/.worklight/configuration-logs/configureApplicationServer_2015_01_30_13_46_11.log [configureapplicationserver] ** Creating migrated war file [configureapplicationserver] Jan 30, 2015 1:46:13 PM com.worklight.ant.migration.MigrationTask MigrationTask.execute [configureapplicationserver] SEVERE: FWLST2018E: The project WAR file could not be migrated from version older than 5.0.6 to version because this migration path is not supported. Use a project WAR file of version 5.0.6 or later, and restart the migration process.

BUILD FAILED /opt/IBM/Worklight/WorklightServer/configuration-samples/configure-was-db2.xml:167: FWLST2018E: The project WAR file could not be migrated from version older than 5.0.6 to version because this migration path is not supported. Use a project WAR file of version 5.0.6 or later, and restart the migration process.

new fresh install question

I did a fresh install and I am going to rerun the ant tasks. I am using configure liberty db2. But why is it asking me for the app server? Is that referring to my Lliberty directory? in configure-liberty-db2 its asking me:

Are you in fact trying to migrating a 5.0.5 project to 6.2?Idan Adar
If yes, you must first migrate the project to 5.0.6 and the migrate that project to 6.2Idan Adar
Thank you for responding. I am just trying to deploy the work light admin console so I may upload my adapters. The only worklightconsole.war file is already on the server. I have the latest WL 6.2 installed. I don't see how the latest version of worklight would have an old war file. Any idea on how to migrate? I can't find any good guides? Or is there a new file?Michael W.
Again, is this a new project you are working on or an existing one? The error message seems very clear about it, so need to make sure what is your current project.Idan Adar
This is a current project that I am working on. I am using the default worklightadmin.war so I may deploy the console. On my console I am getting a runtime error. The war file came after I installed it on my server.Michael W.

1 Answers


According with the content of your server.xml file, your runtime war file has the same name and the same context root than the admin services : worklightadmin. All the applications deployed in a server must have their own unique context root.