You are absolutely right! Writing this function should be easy in any reasonable programming language, and, fortunately, Coq is no exception.
In your case, it is much easier to define your function by simply ignoring the proof argument you are supplying:
Definition f (n : nat) : nat := n - 3.
You may then wonder "but wait a second, the natural numbers aren't closed under subtraction, so how can this make sense?". Well, in Coq, subtraction on the natural numbers isn't really subtraction: it is actually truncated. If you try to subtract, say, 3 from 2, you get 0 as an answer:
Goal 2 - 3 = 0. reflexivity. Qed.
What this means in practice is that you are always allowed to "subtract" two natural numbers and get a natural number back, but in order for this subtraction make sense, the first argument needs to be greater than the second. We then get lemmas such as the following (available in the standard library):
le_plus_minus_r : forall n m, n <= m -> n + (m - n) = m
In most cases, working with a function that is partially correct, such as this definition of subtraction, is good enough. If you want, however, you can restrict the domain of f
to make its properties more pleasant. I've taken the liberty of doing the following script with the ssreflect library, which makes writing this kind of function easier:
Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect Ssreflect.ssrfun Ssreflect.ssrbool.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrnat Ssreflect.eqtype.
Definition f (n : {n | 2 < n}) : nat :=
val n - 3.
Definition finv (m : nat) : {n | 2 < n} :=
Sub (3 + m) erefl.
Lemma fK : cancel f finv.
move=> [n Pn] /=; apply/val_inj=> /=.
by rewrite /f /= addnC subnK.
Lemma finvK : cancel finv f.
by move=> n; rewrite /finv /f /= addnC addnK.
Now, f
takes as an argument a natural number n
that is greater than 2
(the {x : T | P x}
form is syntax sugar for the sig
type from the standard library, which is used for forming types that work like subsets). By restricting the argument type, we can write an inverse function finv
that takes an arbitrary nat
and returns another number that is greater than 2
. Then, we can prove lemmas fK
and finvK
, which assert that fK
and finvK
are inverses of each other.
On the definition of f
, we use val
, which is ssreflect's idiom for extracting the element out of a member of a type such as {n | 2 < n}
. The Sub
function on finv
does the opposite, packaging a natural number n
with a proof that 2 < n
and returning an element of {n | 2 < n}
. Here, we rely crucially on the fact that the <
is expressed in ssreflect as a boolean computation, so that Coq can use its computation rules to check that erefl
, a proof of true = true
, is also a valid proof of 2 < 3 + m
To conclude, the mysterious error message you got in the end has to do with Coq's rules governing computational types, with live in Type
, and propositional types, which live in Prop
. Coq's rules forbid you from using proofs of propositions to build elements that have computational content (such as natural numbers), except in very particular cases. If you wanted, you could still finish your definition by using {p | 3 + p = n}
instead of exists p, 3 + p = n
-- both mean the same thing, except the former lives in Type
while the latter lives in Prop