It seems Parse does not let me create new users, unless the sign up block is called.
It also seems that Parse doesn't let you edit username/password unless that user is currentUser logged in.
The goal is to create a new user, save him, and when they sign up at a later point, I can recognize their previous user account, or create one if that does not exist.
Signup/Login block methods are not the answer, I do not want to change the current user.
PFQuery *query = [PFUser query];
PFUser *userAgain = (PFUser *)[query getObjectWithId:user.objectId];
userAgain.username = "another_username";
// This will throw an exception, since the PFUser is not authenticated
[userAgain save]
P.S. Here's the elevator pitch. This is a chat app (signup w/ phone#). I want to invite users in my contacts (but not on app) to a "chatroom". So i create a user account for their phone#. When they signup, I login that previously created user (checking phone#s) , and they see my "chatroom" in their inbox.
against the phone number txt message. Then dispose of any unwanted automatic users (if there are any). Then! I may be able to create accounts for people who aren't on the app yet. – benjaminhallock