
When I try opening a project I get an exception saying Web application is configured to use IIS.

Error : The Web Application Project EntityServices is configured to use IIS. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS components:

  IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility

In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account.

NOTE - I have already installed IIS 7. My box is a x64 bit Windows 7 box.

Did you you read the message?SLaks
Just follow the message -- both parts -- and things will work (IIS7 has many parts with fine grained control of what is installed, just selecting IIS will not install all the bits VS needs).Richard
Please don't invent new tags, we have more than enough already.skaffman
I agree with the responders that the error's suggestion is straightforward enough, but I think the real frustration is wondering why VS 2010 and Windows 7/2008 need a compatibility protocol circa 2003 to communicate. I think Prashant is asking whether there is a more modern way of getting it to work.Jason Kleban

6 Answers


Go to Control Panel, Programs and Features, Turn Windows Features On or Off, and enable IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility.


Have you installed IIS6 Metabase support? It is a seperate install from IIS7, although in the same area.

Turn Windows Features ON and OFF -> IIS Services-> Web Management Tools -> IIS Management Compatibility and check IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration Compatibility


This also happened to me when I had reconfigured the TCP Port on IIS to port 81. I was running TCPTrace, capturing traffic on port 80 and forwarding it to IIS at port 81.

After a reboot, I had to reconfigure IIS' TCP Port to 80 and the problem was resolved.


I got the same error the solution is that you should open with notepad (web project)it's csproj file and remove this tag


you need to turn on asp.net : controlpanel- Turn Windows Features ON and OFF -> IIS Services-> www- > application Dewvelopment features check the asp.net on


In my case (Same error) i solved my problem with following steps.
1-)open your project file with a text editor.
2-)find "USEIIS" tag and replace its value with "False". save and exit.
3-)reopen your project file with visual studio