
In flash, I am getting an error in witch it giving me two errors.

Scene 1, Layer 'good guy', Frame 1, Line 4 1120: Access of undefined property PressSPACEKey.

Scene 1, Layer 'good guy', Frame 1, Line 4 1120: Access of undefined property ReleaseSPACEKey.

I am trying to use keyboard keys to move the good guy.

I changed all Mouse to Keyboard. I looked through it all to make sure there are no Mouse.

Here is my code:

var KeyboardIsDown = false;
var velocity = 0
var score = 0;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, PressSPACEKey);; 
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, ReleaseSPACEKey);
function pressed (n:KeyboardEvent)
    KeyboardIsDown = true;
function unpressed (n:KeyboardEvent)
    KeyboardIsDown = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);
function mainLoop (e:Event)
    output.text = "Score: " + score;
    score += 1
    if (KeyboardIsDown)
        if (velocity < -10)
            velocity = -10; 
        gg_mc.y -= velocity
        gg_mc.y += velocity;
    velocity += 0.03 
    ; //yes, this is on a new line
    for (var I = 0; I < numChildren; I++)
        if (getChildAt(I) is bad  || getChildAt(I) is B)
            var b = getChildAt(I) as MovieClip;
            if (b.hitTestObject(gg_mc))
                    var explosion = new boom ();
                    explosion.x = gg_mc.x;
                    explosion.y = gg_mc.y;

2 Answers


You just put these two phrases in there but you never specify what they are.

The error basically means:

WTF is PressSPACEKey???

addEventListener is a function that takes a another FUNCTION as a second argument. So whatever PressSPACEKey is, it should be a function. But again, you never declared it anywhere.

Entirely unrelated to that, you have two FUNCTIONS in your code named pressed and unpressed.

I'm not sure why I added this last sentence and am also in doubt why certain words in my post are bold and in caps. No idea, really...


In error clearly says that the properties are incorrect.

var KeyboardIsDown = false;
var velocity = 0
var score = 0;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, pressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, unpressed);
function pressed (n:KeyboardEvent)
    KeyboardIsDown = true;
function unpressed (n:KeyboardEvent)
    KeyboardIsDown = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);
function mainLoop (e:Event)
    output.text = "Score: " + score;
    score += 1
    if (KeyboardIsDown)
        if (velocity < -10)
            velocity = -10; 
        gg_mc.y -= velocity
        gg_mc.y += velocity;
    velocity += 0.03 
    ; //yes, this is on a new line
    for (var I = 0; I < numChildren; I++)
        if (getChildAt(I) is bad  || getChildAt(I) is B)
            var b = getChildAt(I) as MovieClip;
            if (b.hitTestObject(gg_mc))
                    var explosion = new boom ();
                    explosion.x = gg_mc.x;
                    explosion.y = gg_mc.y;