I was asked by a student if it was possible to recreate a plot similar to the one below using R:
This is from this paper....
This sort of stuff isn't my specialty, but using the following code I was able to create 95% CI ellipses and to plot them with geom_polygon()
. I filled the images with images I grabbed from the phylopic library using the rphylopic
#example data/ellipses
n <- 1000
x1 <- rnorm(n, mean=2)
y1 <- 1.75 + 0.4*x1 + rnorm(n)
df <- data.frame(x=x1, y=y1, group="A")
x2 <- rnorm(n, mean=8)
y2 <- 0.7*x2 + 2 + rnorm(n)
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(x=x2, y=y2, group="B"))
x3 <- rnorm(n, mean=6)
y3 <- x3 - 5 - rnorm(n)
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(x=x3, y=y3, group="C"))
#calculating ellipses
df_ell <- data.frame()
for(g in levels(df$group)){
df_ell <- rbind(df_ell, cbind(as.data.frame(with(df[df$group==g,], ellipse(cor(x, y),
p <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=x, y=y,colour=group)) +
#geom_point(size=1.5, alpha=.6) +
geom_polygon(data=df_ell, aes(x=x, y=y,colour=group, fill=group), alpha=0.1, size=1, linetype=1)
### get center points of ellipses
ell_center <- df_ell %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(x=mean(x), y=mean(y))
### animal images
lion <- get_image("e2015ba3-4f7e-4950-9bde-005e8678d77b", size = "512")[[1]]
mouse <- get_image("6b2b98f6-f879-445f-9ac2-2c2563157025", size="512")[[1]]
bug <- get_image("136edfe2-2731-4acd-9a05-907262dd1311", size="512")[[1]]
### overlay images on center points
p + add_phylopic(lion, alpha=0.9, x=ell_center[[1,2]], y=ell_center[[1,3]], ysize=2, color="firebrick1") +
add_phylopic(mouse, alpha=1, x=ell_center[[2,2]], y=ell_center[[2,3]], ysize=2, color="darkgreen") +
add_phylopic(bug, alpha=0.9, x=ell_center[[3,2]], y=ell_center[[3,3]], ysize=2, color="mediumblue") +
Which gives the following:
This is ok, but what I'd really like to do is to add an image directly to the 'fill' command of geom_polygon. Is this possible ?