
I am trying to have this rules in my model

'Email' =>  'email|unique:tablename,coloumntoignore,ignoreid',

The above rules is to check the unique coloumn except the id to be supplied in the ignoreid

I face two issues here

I am getting the user input

$DriverData = Input::except(array('_token'));

and sending it to the model

$validation  = Validator::make($DriverData, DriverModel::$updaterules);

Note : This update is not the self so i can't get it by Auth::user()->id and my primary key is not id

I check it by

'Email' =>  'email|unique:driver_details,email,4',

It told me error

Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `driver_details` where `email` = [email protected] and `id` <> 4)

though i mentioned the protected $primaryKey = 'DriverId';

So, How can i have get the value of the field inside the model so that i should check for the rule to check the unique coloumn except its one

Note : The dirty way like putting the DriverId in the session at controller and getting here like that is not preferred.


2 Answers


If you're using resourceful routes/controller, the id of the record you're trying to update should be the parameter passed to the update method in the controller.

If you're not using resourceful routes/controller, then the id of the record you're updating needs to be passed in along with the other form data.

As for the validation rule, since your id field is not id, you need to tell the rule that. The fourth parameter to the unique rule is the name of the id field. Documentation on the unique rule is here.

'Email' =>  'email|unique:driver_details,email,4,DriverId',

Once you figure out how you're getting the id of the record you're updating, you will need to figure out how to inject that id into your email rule. Since it looks like your rules are defined as a static attribute on the DriverModel, you may want to take a look at this question/answer here. Basically, you'll need a placeholder in your rule, and then a static method on the model that can replace the placeholder with your specified id:

class DriverModel extends Eloquent {
    public static $updaterules = array(
        'Email' => 'email|unique:driver_details,email,%1$s,DriverId'
    public static function getUpdateRules($id = 'NULL') {
        $rules = self::$updaterules;
        $rules['Email'] = sprintf($rules['Email'], $id);
        return $rules;

// usage
$validation  = Validator::make($DriverData, DriverModel::getUpdateRules($id));


'email' => 'unique:table,email_column_to_check,id_to_ignore'
replace segments table, email_column_to_check, id_to_ignore in above example

reference : http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/validation#rule-unique