
I wrote a simple program in C to be analysed in GDB

#include <stdio.h>

int add_numbers(int n1,int n2)
    int sum=n1+n2;
    return sum;

int main()
        int n1=1;
        int n2=2;
        int sum;

        sum = add_numbers(n1,n2);
        printf("The sum of 1 and 2 is %d",sum);

        return 0;

Here is the disassembly of main

0x08048433 <+0>:    push   %ebp
0x08048434 <+1>:    mov    %esp,%ebp
0x08048436 <+3>:    and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
0x08048439 <+6>:    sub    $0x20,%esp
0x0804843c <+9>:    movl   $0x1,0x14(%esp)
0x08048444 <+17>:   movl   $0x2,0x18(%esp)
0x0804844c <+25>:   mov    0x18(%esp),%eax
0x08048450 <+29>:   mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x08048454 <+33>:   mov    0x14(%esp),%eax
0x08048458 <+37>:   mov    %eax,(%esp)
0x0804845b <+40>:   call   0x804841d <add_numbers>
0x08048460 <+45>:   mov    %eax,0x1c(%esp)
0x08048464 <+49>:   mov    0x1c(%esp),%eax
0x08048468 <+53>:   mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x0804846c <+57>:   movl   $0x8048510,(%esp)
0x08048473 <+64>:   call   0x80482f0 <printf@plt>
0x08048478 <+69>:   mov    $0x0,%eax
0x0804847d <+74>:   leave  
0x0804847e <+75>:   ret    

I then set a breakpoint on line 12 and analysed the stack with 'x/20x $esp'

0xbffff270: 0x00000001  0xbffff334  0xbffff33c  0xb7e4342d
0xbffff280: 0xb7fbb3c4  0x00000001  0x0804848b  0xb7fbb000
0xbffff290: 0x08048480  0x00000000  0x00000000  0xb7e29a83
0xbffff2a0: 0x00000001  0xbffff334  0xbffff33c  0xb7feccea
0xbffff2b0: 0x00000001  0xbffff334  0xbffff2d4  0x0804a014

So why is it that the statement 'movl $0x1,0x14(%esp)' moves 1 to the second address in the stack? Specifically how is this stack incremented(or decremented because the stack grows down?) to put '1' in the address following the'$eip' register?

A tutorial would be nice too since I’ve probably missed this information. Thanks!



1 Answers


The assembly instruction movl $0x1,0x14(%esp) moves the 32-bit integer value 1 into the 4 bytes located 20 bytes past the address that the register ESP points to. In your memory dump that would be the four bytes starting at 0xbffff284, which is the second 32-bit value on the second line.

This instruction doesn't change the value of ESP. It's neither incremented nor decremented. The value in ESP changed previously by the instruction at 0x08048439: sub $0x20,%esp. This instruction reserves 32-bytes on the stack for local variables used by the function, along with outgoing arguments for function calls. The variables n1, n2, and sum are located at addresses 0xbffff284, 0xbffff288, and 0xbffff28c respectively.

Nothing is stored at the address following EIP anywhere in your program. I assume you actually meant something else by this, but I don't know what.