New to Julia. Following this blog to do Neural Network:
I am confused about data types and error messages in Julia. This is my code (again, following the blog post on Neural Network):
# read in df to train
train_df = readtable("data/winequality-red.csv", separator=';')
# create train and test data splits
y = train_df[:quality]
x = train_df[:, 1:11] # matrix of all except quality
# vector() and matrix() from blog post
n = length(y)
is_train = shuffle([1:n] .> floor(n * .25))
x_train,x_test = x[is_train,:],x[!is_train,:]
y_train,y_test = y[is_train],y[!is_train]
type StandardScalar
# initialize empty scalar
function StandardScalar()
StandardScalar(Array(Float64, 0), Array(Float64, 0))
# compute mean and std of each col
function fit_std_scalar!(std_scalar::StandardScalar, x::Matrix{Float64})
n_rows, n_cols = size(x_test)
std_scalar.std = zeros(n_cols)
std_scalar.mean = zeros(n_cols)
for i = 1:n_cols
std_scalar.mean[i] = mean(x[:,i])
std_scalar.std[i] = std(x[:,i])
# further vectorize the transformation
function transform(std_scalar::StandardScalar, x::Matrix{Float64})
# element wise subtraction of mean and division of std
(x .- std_scalar.mean') ./ std_scalar.std'
# fit and transform
function fit_transform!(std_scalar::StandardScalar, x::Matrix{Float64})
fit_std_scalar!(std_scalar, x)
transform(std_scalar, x)
# fit scalar on training data and then transform the test
std_scalar = StandardScalar()
n_rows, n_cols = size(x_test)
# cols before scaling
println("Col means before scaling: ")
for i = 1:n_cols
# C printf function
@printf("%0.3f ", (mean(x_test[:, i])))
I am getting the error:
'.-' has no method matching .-(::DataFrame, ::Array{Float64,2}) in fit_transform! ...
For this code:
x_train = fit_transform!(std_scalar, x_train)
x_test = transform(std_scalar, x_test)
# after transforming
println("\n Col means after scaling:")
for i = 1:n_cols
@printf("%0.3f ", (mean(x_test[:,i])))
I am new to Julia and am just not understanding what the issue is. Vector() and Matrix() do not work from the blog post. I assume that was from an older version of DataFrame.
What I think my issue is: these functions are taking in ::Matrix{Float64} and I am passing in the DataFrame. I assume that deprecated (?) Matrix() would have fixed this? Not sure. How do I analyze this error and pass these functions the correct types (if that is the problem here)?
Thank you!