I have published my wpf project to the dir publish
and it is under source control (github)
So I want to add a download link to my readme.md
and according to:
Is it possible to offer a ClickOnce installer on Github? I should just add this in my markdown:
[Download the app](https://rawgithub.com/jphellemons/downloadyoutube/master/publish/setup.exe "Download the app")
I added https://rawgithub.com/jphellemons/DownloadYouTube/master/publish/ in the second publish step:
but that does not work. What step did I miss? Is it perhaps related to the error https://stackguides.com/questions/28157811/publish-click-once-to-github
Thanks to the comment of vilicvane I have this working setup.exe download link https://github.com/jphellemons/DownloadYouTube/blob/master/DownloadYouTube/publish/setup.exe?raw=true
but the setup.exe references the wrong .application
An error occurred trying to download 'https://rawgithub.com/jphellemons/DownloadYouTube/master/publish/DownloadYouTube.application'.
I have seen a working method externally hosting the blob: https://github.com/Code52/carnac so there is no way to keep everything on github?
file – JP Hellemons