
I'm overriding the SecurityController from FOSUserBundle. I try to persist some data after the login but for that I need to add the "Request $request" parameter to the function protected function renderLogin but I get the following error:

Runtime Notice: Declaration of Utilisateurs\UtilisateursBundle\Controller\SecurityController::renderLogin() should be compatible with FOS\UserBundle\Controller\SecurityController::renderLogin(array $data)

Here is my code:

     * Renders the login template with the given parameters. Overwrite this function in
     * an extended controller to provide additional data for the login template.
     * @param array $data
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
    protected function renderLogin(array $data, Request $request)
        function is_session_started()
                if ( php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) {
                    if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '>=') ) {
                        return session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ? TRUE : FALSE;
                    } else {
                        return session_id() === '' ? FALSE : TRUE;
                return FALSE;

            if (is_session_started() == TRUE)
                    $session = $request->getSession();
                    $content = $session->get('result');
                    $idQuery = $session->get('query_id');
                    $authorId = $this->getUser()->getId();

                    $biblio = new Biblio;
                    $biblio->setDate(new \DateTime());
                    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();


                    $response = $this->forward('BiblishareBundle:Profile:show');

                    return $response;
                    return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig', $data);


Thank you for you help


2 Answers


I would advise you to listen for the login event instead.

It is described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11180531/982075 and can be applied to FOSUserBundle by using the fos_user.security.interactive_login event.

That way you don't have to override the SecurityController from FOSUserBundle yet you can persist data after login.


When you override method with different set of parameters it will produce E_STRICT error - this is php specific and Symfony is just following standards. So it seems you need to solve your problem differently. How about using:

$request = $this->getRequest()

in your method (I assume base class of your controller is Symfony's Controller)

Check these for more info:

PHP: "Declaration of ... should be compatible with that of ..."

adding parameters to overridden method E_STRICT observation

Why is overriding method parameters a violation of strict standards in PHP?

NOTE: messy code you have there. You can check if session is started by using $this->get('session')->isStarted()