
I'm using ui.grid so I got next question.

Rows in ui.grid datatable are wrapped by next div

<div class="ui-grid-row ng-scope"  ng-repeat="(rowRenderIndex, row) in rowContainer.renderedRows track by $index" >

Now I got 25 records, but there are less than 25 in my HTML. $(".ui-grid-row").length is always != 25.

Is there a way to display all rows as records I have.?
$(".ui-grid-row").length === 25?

Thanks in advance!

Can you provide a Fiddle?Bellu

1 Answers


ui-grid provides row virtualisation - the explicit intent is that it only show a subset of the rows, allowing you to have 1000s of rows in your grid, but only force your browser to render a small number of them.

In general, if you want to render every single row, you might be better just using an html table than the grid - most of what the grid does is about virtualisation.

If you definitely want ui-grid for something, then you could look at the virtualisationThreshold setting: http://ui-grid.info/docs/#/api/ui.grid.class:GridOptions

In theory if set high enough this will render all your rows at all times.