My initial problem is that I have a continuous transfer function which coefficients change with time.
Currently the TF's coefficients are expressed in function of the block mask parameters. These parameters are tunable, and if I change the value in the mask parameters dialog during a simulation the response seems to react appropriately.
However how can I do just that in the code/block flow? Basically, I have the block parameter 'maskParam' which is set using the mask parameters dialog, and in the mask initialization commands: 'param=maskParam'. 'param' is used in the transfer function and I would like to change it in real time (as param=maskParam*f(t)).
I have already looked around and found relevant solutions but either it's unbelievably complicated; or the only transfer function which we are allowed to modify at runtime is discrete and 1) I would like to avoid z-transforming my quite complex TF (I don't have the control toolbox) 2) The sampling time seems to be fixed.. None uses this "dirty" technique of updating parameters, maybe that's the way around?
To illustrate: