I'm trying to make my first Pacman game but i have met a wall that i can't seem to smash on my own :(
It's about how to detect collision in my game, so the pacman can't go through barriers / walls. I have made it so it can't go outside of the screen with this code:
if (pacman_x < 27) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_x = 27;
if (pacman_y < 27) {
pacman_velY = 0;
pacman_y = 27;
if (pacman_x > 621) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_x = 621;
if (pacman_y > 513) {
pacman_velY = 0;
pacman_y = 513;
, but if i have a rectangle on the board in middle of the screen, i don't know how to program it so it will stop just before a wall.
I have uploaded a foto of the map:
I need to stop my pacman to move onto the wall inside the arena as you see (the rectangle on top to the left)
My code of the Board class:
public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener, KeyListener {
private Timer timer;
private Map m;
private Pacman p;
int pacman_x = 27, pacman_y = 27, pacman_velX = 0, pacman_velY = 0;
public Board()
m = new Map();
p = new Pacman();
timer = new Timer(10, this);
setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); // So we can't use shift
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
pacman_x = pacman_x + pacman_velX;
pacman_y = pacman_y + pacman_velY;
if (pacman_x < 27) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_x = 27;
if (pacman_y < 27) {
pacman_velY = 0;
pacman_y = 27;
if (pacman_x > 621) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_x = 621;
if (pacman_y > 513) {
pacman_velY = 0;
pacman_y = 513;
if (pacman_x >= 150 && pacman_y >= 27) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_x = 27;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
for(int y = 0; y < 21; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 25; x++) {
if (m.getMap(x, y).equals("b")) {
g.drawImage(m.getBarrier(), x * 27, y * 27, null);
if (m.getMap(x, y).equals("s")) {
g.drawImage(m.getSpace(), x * 27, y * 27, null);
// Place pacman on board
g.drawImage(p.getPacman(), pacman_x , pacman_y, null);
// Create Rectangles barriers
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(150, 27, 27, 27);
g2d.setColor(new Color(63, 72, 204, 250));
g.fillRect(r1.x, r1.y, 27, 27);
// Sets Color on lives
int lives = 3;
g2d.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 250));
g2d.drawString("Lives left: " + lives, 20, 20);
// Sets Color on Scoreboard text
int point = 0;
g2d.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 250));
g2d.drawString("Score: " + point, 20, 550);
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
int pacman_direction = e.getKeyCode();
if (pacman_direction == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
pacman_velX = -3;
pacman_velY = 0;
if (pacman_direction == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_velY = -3;
if (pacman_direction == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
pacman_velX = 3;
pacman_velY = 0;
if (pacman_direction == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
pacman_velX = 0;
pacman_velY = 3;
Hope someone can tell me what to do.. can't seem to find an easy example tutorial on the internet that explain the thing that i want it to do!