I'd like blog posts on my Jekyll site to follow a specific URL convention. I'd like to avoid having permalinks even in the frontmatter. I'd prefer to specify my style in one place and never have to think about it again.
In _config.yaml
you can specify a custom permalink style as follows:
permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/
And posts will have a default permalink that looks something like /blog/2015/01/24/some-title/ (assuming 01-24-2015 publish date).
However, I'd like to scope this only to our blog directory. So I tried to use defaults in `_config.yaml' as specified in the Jekyll docs
path: "blog"
type: "posts"
permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:title/
Unfortunately, the permalink for my test post is literally http://localhost:4000/blog/:year/:month/:title
Why don't defaults behave the same way as the root permalink? Is there another way to accomplish what I want?
I'm hoping to do this without a custom plugin, as we're using GH pages and plugin options are limitted.