i am setting up a drupal site and would like to make it scalable on openshift (bronze plan, Small.highcpu). two questions in this respect:
a) background tasks?
would be great if someone can explain point 3 in more detail:
from https://github.com/openshift/drupal-quickstart/blob/master/README.md:
Because none of your application code is checked into Git and lives entirely in your data directory, if this application is set to scalable the new gears will have empty data directories and won't serve requests properly. If you'd like to make the app scalable, you'll need to:
- Check the contents of php/* into your Git repository (in the php/* dir)
- Only install new modules via Drush from the head gear, and then commit those changes to the Git repo
- Use a background task to copy file contents from gear to gear
All of the scripts used to deploy and configure Drupal are located in the build and deploy hooks.
b) additional filesystem:
here the poster says that a more persistent filesystem (e.g. S3) is needed to scale: https://groups.drupal.org/node/297403. is that really necessary for a site with around 30-50 pages per second in peak time? what are the benefits of adding S3?