I have a content table with a paperclip image attachment along with some user-selected cropping settings:
create_table "content", force: true do |t|
t.string "title"
t.string "image_file_name"
t.string "image_content_type"
t.integer "image_file_size"
t.datetime "image_updated_at"
t.integer "crop_x"
t.integer "crop_y"
t.integer "crop_w"
t.integer "crop_h"
In order to process the user-specified image cropping on the server-side, I have a custom paperclip processor, which I sourced from here:
module Paperclip
class CustomCropper < Thumbnail
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
@current_geometry.width = target.crop_w
@current_geometry.height = target.crop_h
def target
def transformation_command
crop_command = [
"#{target.crop_w}x" \
"#{target.crop_h}+" \
"#{target.crop_x}+" \
crop_command + super
My problem is that the crop_x,y,w,h params are parsed after the image attachment, therefore the custom paperclip processor sees nil for all the fields and doesn't crop the image properly.
# rails processes the image_xxx params before the crop_xxx params
@content = Content.new(content_params)
Is there a clean way to tell Rails to process the crop-boundary fields before the attachment image? Or is there a different solution that essentially accomplishes this?