In Elasticsearch I have an index containing documents with a timestamp and the number of observed requests to a webservice.
I would like to perform an aggregation to get, for each day, the hour where the maximum number of requests were observed (peak hour).
I succeed to get the result by performing the following request:
"aggregations" : {
"week_summary" : {
"filter" : {"range": {"@timestamp": {"gte": "2015-01-20||-7d","lte": "2015-01-20"}}},
"aggregations" : {
"oneday_interval" : {
"date_histogram" : {"field" : "@timestamp", "interval" : "1d","order" : { "_key" : "desc" }},
"aggregations" : {
"peak_hour_histogram" : {
"date_histogram" : {"field" : "@timestamp", "interval" : "1h","order" : { "peak_request_count.value" : "desc" }},
"aggregations" : {
"peak_request_count" : {
"sum" : { "field" : "request_count"}
size : 0
This is working ok in a sense: the first item in the peak_hour_histogram buckets array is indeed corresponding to the peak hour due to the ability to sort a date histogram on a sub-aggregation value.
Nevertheless, I don't need all the other buckets items (i.e. the other 23 hours of the day), and I'd like to receive only the first item. I tried to play with top_hits without any success.
Do you know a way to perform this filtering?
NB: In the real use case my aggregation is returning about 3MB of data. So filtering all those useless values becomes important.
Thanks for your answers.