
I'm designing a WebAPI service which is going to have to use windows authentication against a client's AD servers. I'm trying to test this locally and am continually getting a 401 error, followed by the server just not allowing the request at all due to invalid credentials. I'm doing my local tests in IIS 8.5 local (installed on a windows 8.1 box). In IIS I have Windows Authentication enabled with the following providers:

  • NTLM
  • Negotiate
  • Negotiate:Kerberos

In addition, I disabled kernel-mode authentication since IIS yells at me when I enable both kernel-mode and negotiate:kerberos. Extended protection is also disabled.

In my config, I have my authorization rules set to allow all users, and authentication mode is set to "none":

    <authentication mode="None" />
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />

Then in the controllers in the webapi, I'm putting the [Authorize] attribute on all controllers:

public class WorkorderController : ApiController

Can someone explain why I get the 401 challenge every time I attempt to access the API methods?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I changed <authentication mode="None" /> to Windows, and that didn't help. I also eliminated NTLM from my windows authentication providers since my machine is not on a domain so NTLM wouldn't work.

I also watched the request stream through fiddler and I'm able to see a series of 4 requests, each trying to authenticate using the Negotiate method and there appears to be kerberos tickets being passed back and forth.


1 Answers


I ran into same problem today. I changed Web API project properties, Anonymous Authentication as Enabled and Windows Authentication to disabled. and it worked like charm!