Good Afternoon Everyone
I am in need of developing an adwords script. This will be the first custom script that i have embarked on. All previous scripts have been example scripts from google.
I have an MCC account which contains a number of client accounts. I want a script that runs for each account within the MCC, and queries data for each day in the month. I then want this to be added to a google spreadsheet.
I have written an example of what i would like to happen, but need to pointers on how to get there
- Get List of client accounts
- Select Account
- List item
- Select 1st day in month
- List item
- generate report create a google document, creating a sheet for each day
- select next day. Stop loop if last day in month
- select next account
I have been performing the above manually for a while now and its starting to get tedious. I also find that the conversions within analytics don't filter down for a couple of days so its replying on me processing a number of ystems to pull the data in.
If i get to the point where the script is working then i will schedule it to run either on the last day of the month or the first day of the following month
Any help would be greatly appreciated
i have developed the following code but i am having some problem with the output.
I am expecting a google spreadsheet with - a sheet for each day of the month - a list of all campaigns, of all of the child account i have in my mcc - stats relating to each campaign for the relevant day in the month
what i am getting is
- a sheet for each day of the month
- the first sheet only is populated with the data
the rest of the sheets within the spreadsheet only contain the column headings
var row = 2; var reportMonth; var reportYear; var reportDays; var reportMonthName; function main() { var mccAccount = AdWordsApp.currentAccount(); var childAccounts = MccApp.accounts().get(); reportMonth = getPreviousMonth(); Logger.log("Report Month" + reportMonth); reportYear = new Date().getFullYear() if (reportMonth = 12) { reportYear = reportYear - 1; } Logger.log("Report Year" + reportYear); reportDays = daysInMonth(reportMonth,reportYear); Logger.log("Report Days" + reportDays); reportMonthName = monthNumberToName(reportMonth); Logger.log("Month Name" + reportMonthName); // Create a new spreadsheet (will have private access for you only). var reportName = "Weekly QS Report – " + reportMonthName; var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create(reportName); for (i=1; i < (reportDays+1);i++) { var reportDay; if (i < 10) { reportDay = "" + "0" + i; } else { reportDay = i; } var reportDate = "" + reportYear + reportMonth + reportDay; Logger.log("Create Sheet" + reportDate); var sheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet() sheet.setName(i) // Write header row. sheet.getRange("A1").setValue("Account"); sheet.getRange("B1").setValue("Campaign"); sheet.getRange("C1").setValue("Impressions"); sheet.getRange("D1").setValue("Clicks"); sheet.getRange("E1").setValue("Cost"); while (childAccounts.hasNext()) { var childAccount =;; // Select campaigns under the client account var campaignIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns().get(); // Write body of report. while (campaignIterator.hasNext()) { var campaign =; Logger.log("Report Date" + reportDate); var stats = campaign.getStatsFor(reportDate,reportDate); sheet.getRange("A" + row).setValue(childAccount.getName()); sheet.getRange("B" + row).setValue(campaign.getName()); sheet.getRange("C" + row).setValue(stats.getImpressions()); sheet.getRange("D" + row).setValue(stats.getClicks()); sheet.getRange("E" + row).setValue(stats.getCost()); row ++; } } }; } function getDateInfo() { var premonth = getPreviousMonth(); var dayIn = daysInMonth(premonth,year); } function daysInMonth(month,year) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } function getPreviousMonth() { var d = new Date(); var n = d.getMonth(); n = n - 1; if (n = -1) { n = 12; } return n; } function monthNumberToName (monthnum) { var months = []; months[1] = 'january'; months[2] = 'february'; months[3] = 'march'; months[4] = 'april'; months[5] = 'may'; months[6] = 'june'; months[7] = 'july'; months[8] = 'august'; months[9] = 'september'; months[10] = 'october'; months[11] = 'november'; months[12] = 'december'; var myMonthName = months[monthnum]; return myMonthName; };
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance guys