I am using hadoop-2.6.0 with kerberos security. I have installed hbase with kerberos security and could able to create table and scan it.
I could run sqoop job as well to import data from mysql into hdfs but sqoop job fails when trying to import from mysql into HBase.
Sqoop Command
sqoop import --hbase-create-table --hbase-table newtable --column-family ck --hbase-row-key id --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/sample --username root --password root --table newtable -m 1
15/01/21 16:30:24 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=90000 watcher=hconnection-0x734c0647, quorum=localhost:2181, baseZNode=/hbase
15/01/21 16:30:24 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknownerror)
15/01/21 16:30:24 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to, initiating session
15/01/21 16:30:24 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server, sessionid = 0x14b0ac124600016, negotiated timeout = 40000
15/01/21 16:30:25 ERROR tool.ImportTool: Error during import: Can't get authentication token