Create a vector of colours. Here I use the RColorBrewer
palettes 'YlOrRd'
(which I reverse to make it red > orange > yellow, since the colours are associated with raster values in the order of most negative to most positive), and 'Blues'
. These palettes only provide 9 colours each, so we pass the palettes to colorRampPalette
in order to generate many intervening (interpolated) colours. Here I generate 1000 colours with each palette - this is more than enough for creating a smooth colour key.
We want the colour key to span the range of values in the raster dataset, which range from -5 to 10. So, we need to subset the vector of colours that will be used for the shorter arm of the colour key (the negative values, i.e. reds). To be exact, we want to drop the first 500 values of the reds vector, since the <0
portion of the key is half the length of the >0
portion. This leaves us with a vector of 500 orange-yellows (we dropped the reddest of the reds), and a vector of 1000 blues.
cols <- c(colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd')))(1000)[501:1000],
colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Blues'))(1000))
Plot the raster with levelplot
, which is a bit more flexible than the regular plot method for raster
objects. We first create a vector of lower and upper bounds (z-limits), for convenience.
zrng <- range(pretty(c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))))
levelplot(r, margin=FALSE, at=seq(zrng[1], zrng[2], diff(zrng)/1000),
col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=FALSE))
Bonus exercise!
To automate the vector sub-setting, you can use the following function:
asym_colours <- function(r, pal1, pal2, n=2000) {
zrng <- range(pretty(c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))))
brks <-, as.list(c(max(abs(zrng)) * c(-1, 1), length.out=2*n)))
c(pal1(n)[(sum(brks < zrng[1]) + 1):n],
pal2(n)[1:(sum(brks < zrng[2] & brks > 0) + 1)])
For example:
r <- raster(matrix(runif(100, -0.3, 0.1), 10))
cols <- asym_colours(r, colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd'))),
colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'Blues')))
zrng <- range(pretty(c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))))
levelplot(r, margin=FALSE, at=seq(zrng[1], zrng[2], diff(zrng)/1000),
col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=FALSE))
or, with a different ramp:
cols <- asym_colours(r, colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, 'GnBu'))),
colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'PuRd')))
zrng <- range(pretty(c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))))
levelplot(r, margin=FALSE, at=seq(zrng[1], zrng[2], diff(zrng)/1000),
col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=FALSE))