I am trying to programmatically create a view controller which will lay out it subviews in a scrollable fashion. I am trying to use AutoLayout with UIScrollView and have read all the tech notes and SO answers in this regard. But I cannot get this right - it seems there is some nuance wrt the creation/usage or UIScrollView that I am missing here.
My code is below and the output that I see is also presented in pictures below.
My expectation is that I will see brown and green stripes (subviews) that would occupy the entire screen. I get that I have to specify the height of the subviews, but I do not understand why the horizontal sizing just does not work. If I do not specify the horizontal size, I would expect my subview to get stretched and occupy the width of the screen, but it does not do so.
Here's the code for my controller.
class ScrollableRowHeadersViewController : UIViewController {
var scrollView : UIScrollView!
override func loadView() {
self.view = UIView(frame: CGRectZero)
scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
self.view.addVisualConstraint("H:|-0-[scrollView]-0-|", viewsDict: ["scrollView" : scrollView])
self.view.addVisualConstraint("V:|-0-[scrollView]-0-|", viewsDict: ["scrollView" : scrollView])
self.view.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.Redraw
//load all the subviews after the main view and scrollview loaded.
override func viewDidLoad() {
var viewsDict = [String: UIView]()
var vertical_constraints = "V:|"
scrollView.autoresizesSubviews = true
for i in 1...100 {
var subview = UIView()
subview.backgroundColor = (i%2 == 0 ? UIColor.brownColor() : UIColor.greenColor())
viewsDict["subview_\(i)"] = subview
vertical_constraints += "[subview_\(i)(==50)]"
self.scrollView.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:|[subview_\(i)]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0), metrics: nil, views: viewsDict))
vertical_constraints += "|"
self.scrollView.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(vertical_constraints, options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0), metrics: nil, views: viewsDict))
Here is the output with horizontal constraints set to H:|[subview_(i)]|
Here is the output with horizontal constraints set to H:|[subview_(i)(==100)]|
In either case I would have expected to see alternating brown and green stripes across the entire width of the screen.
What am I missing? Thanks in advance for helping.