
My directory, cloned from github, contains 112 OpenERP (Odoo) modules. What is the best way to install these modules? I have tried by copying module by module to addons directory and then using Settings in OpenERP to install modules. The installation process complained that there are dependencies, modules on which the current module depends. Is there a way to install module and its dependencies all at once? I am using Odoo v8.

Your help is appreciated!


1 Answers


You don't need to install the dependent module to install manually. OpenERP will automatically installs the dependent module if those modules are not installed.

The only thing is system should be able to find those module at the appropriate location.

I am wondering why you needed to copy the modules to 'addons' directory, because as you are saying you have cloned the git, modules should be there in the addons directory already.

If the modules that you are trying to install are some community/custom module which are not included in git cloned odoo repo, than you need to include path of those modules in the odoo system variable 'addons_path', which will tell the system to include those modules during finding of modules.