
I am generating a PDF with wkhtmltopdf from a generated html-file. I use the latest wkhtmltopdf version ( for windows.

My additional wkhtmltopdf parameters are:

--zoom 1.0
--encoding "UTF-8"
--page-offset -1
--footer-html "C:\tmp\footer.html"
--header-html "C:\tmp\header.html"
--header-spacing 10
--footer-spacing 10 toc
--xsl-style-sheet "C:\tmp\toc.xsl"

In the footer.html, header.html, toc.xsl are nothing defined about page-breaks. The HTML is valid. Every tag which is opened is closed in the right order. I've checked it twice.

If I insert a page-break-after div all works fine. But I need a page-break-before too. If I insert a page-break-before div it breaks the page too, but on the new page there is a block of white space and the div is not shown.

<div style='page-break-before: always; height: 10px; width: 100%; background-color: red;'>
 <span style='color:rgb(0, 0, 0)'>OOO</span>

It doesn't matter if this style properties are set or not: "height: 10px; width: 100%;"

The two pages should look like:

|                  1 |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|                  2 |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |

But they look like (div not shown and a large whitespace on next page):

|                  1 |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|                  2 |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |
|                    |

The x-es are the placeholders for the text. The O-s are the placeholder for my div.

I've already tried this from answer 1. wkhtmltopdf page-break-after have whitespace The whitespace is already there.


In some other of my generated PDFs there are some texts over the other. I don't know why wkhtmltopdf does sometimes some whitespace and sometimes it puts one text over the other but if I set the css attribute:

overflow-x: visible !important;

in my CSS file. Then in the PDF there is no more senseless whitespace and there is no more one text over the other, but then it makes no more page-breaks.


The main problem was, that the html I received from an other tool to put it in the wkhtmltopdf-tool was so complex with many div blocks and useless html-tags, that the wkhtmltopdf-tool made this error. With a cleaned html it works perfect.


2 Answers


After hours of trying to fix a similar problem, I have found that the solution is to put the pages immediately in the body

<div style="page-break-inside: avoid;"> Here goes my page </div>
<div style="page-break-inside: avoid;"> Here goes my another page </div>

Another caveat is that if the content is larger than the page - the resulting PDF breaks. It is like with the cats - "if it fits - it sits" :)

Try to move content between pages to see if it fits.


try to define page size(A4, A3, Letter) and this library also have its own margins. So you should set it to 0.


And please provide your html example via jsfiddle for example.