
I am doing Google Cloud Platform Sample Application, by following this Smashpix application Link from github

This link providing a android application that upload an image and it will autoscale the image.

In that procedure, In the BackEnd Configuration part, I created Web Client ID, Service Account, Installed Application ID and Buckets for storing the image. But there is a line,which indicated upload the back end server to the google app engine.

  • Extract the Google Cloud Storage App Engine client dependency, src/cloudstorage/, folder into your backend server directory, [BACKEND_SERVER_CODE]/cloudstorage/ In the app.yaml file, replace [APPENGINE_ID] with your App Engine application ID application: [APPENGINE_ID]

  • In the queue.yaml file, replace [SERVICE_ACCOUNT] with the email address of the Service account queue: name: imagetasks ... acl: [SERVICE_ACCOUNT]

  • In the settings.cfg file, replace the variable placeholders with your application variables

  • MAIN_BUCKET: Primary Google Cloud Storage bucket to upload
    original images BIT_BUCKET: Google Cloud Storage bucket to store
    processed images APP_HOSTNAME: Full App Engine hostname, [APPENGINE_ID].appspot.com

  • Upload the backend server to Google App Engine

After Some googled, There is a line appcfg backends <dir> update backend_name.

What can i proceed now, Please Give some suggestions.


1 Answers


It just means upload your app. In the folder for the backend run

appcfg.py update . 

Don't forget the period.