I am writing on Xamarin.iOS mvvmcross app.
I saved list of viewmodelrequest whenever show a viewmodel.
Then if back button pressed, remove the last viewmodelrequest, and show previous viewmodel.
var loaderService = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewModelLoader>();
var viewModel = loaderService.LoadViewModel(lastRequest, null/*saved state*/);
var myVC = this.CreateViewControllerFor(viewModel) as MyViewModelView;
NavigationController.PushViewController(myVC, true);
This works well when showing viewmodels without parameters.
But if the viewmodel has params, it shows old params.
How can show the viewmodel with latest parameter?
PS: Let me explain more detail about my situation
I have 3 touch views. View1 has an animals table, when I clicked an item on the table, app will be navigate to View2, AnimalDetailView.
When I click an edit button in the view, View3, AnimalEditView will be appeared.
There are 3 viewmodels, each of them is for each of views.
After I change and save the animal name in the View3, it is saved in AnimalEditViewModel correctly.
But when I clicked the custom back button in the View3, View2 is appeared with previous animal name.
For showing View2, I used above code.
I want to reflect latest animal name in View2.
Do you have any advice?