
Is it possible to list out the cloud services for azure storage account with out using certification thumbprint . And also get the deployment ID for particular cloud service?

I have connected storage account(based on account key and account name) using azure storage client library and list out the tables and containers. My question is, displays the cloud services for particular storage account with out using certification.
Note: I saw rest api to list out the storage account and services using subscription id with certification.

I am waiting your response.


1 Answers


Is it possible to list out the cloud services for azure storage account with out using certification thumbprint . And also get the deployment ID for particular cloud service?

To achieve this, you would need to use Azure Service Management API and API calls need to be authenticated. Using X509 Certificate is one of them (which you don't want to use). Other way to achieve this would be to use Azure Active Directory. You can read more about it here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee460782.aspx#bk_ad however authenticating API requests using Azure AD is more complicated than using a certificate IMHO.