
can't get my head around hot code push in my setup:

on server A (osx with xcode and add-platform ios) i built a meteor cordova app with

meteor run ios-device --mobile-server https://productionserver.com

(when i point my cordova app at my localhost:3000 hot code push is working just fine).

on server B (linux, nginx, some meteor instances on port 808x) i run

meteor --port=

server B runs without add-platform ios (linux), but i found an interesting discussion from slava here and did:

meteor add-platform firefoxos

and thought that hot code push would trigger with this stub.

when i change the code (client directory) on server B, the change is reflected when i call the web interface.

But in my cordova app no change is happening even after app restart.

can you please point me in the right direction?

how is the code push happening behind the scenes?

how should i set up my build/prod environment the make hot code push working?

thanks for your help

did you ever find a solution? Battling with this issue myself.krivar
unfortunately not yet.Alexander dG
Have you tried http instead of https? I have the same problem with my android hot code push. It works on http, but not on https.solo999

1 Answers


I got my app working. The problem was that I had removed android from the platforms list. I'm guessing you still have ios in your platforms.

Your Meteor setup strikes me as a little odd: 1. you say you have multiple Meteor instances on port 8080? 2. Also starting Meteor on a specific port uses command meteor --port 8080 and not the IP. 3. Does the app actually connect to the server? As in databases get synced and new information gets sent across?